Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning & Predictive Analysis
AI is an area of computer science that allows machines to sense, comprehend and learn; to work and react like humans do. It can be applied with machine learning to recognise patterns and relationships in data sets. When deployed with Predictive Analysis programmes, it is capable of real-time recommendations and suggestions.
IoT, Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a giant network of inter-connected objects, from smartphones and corridor signs to room thermostats. This connectivity enables the exchange and analysis of data. Hotels can then collect this data to uncover new business insights and actionable opportunities.
Fictional scenarios in futuristic sci-fi shows are slowly becoming a reality. Being an interdisciplinary of engineering and computer science, robots today are capable of autonomous movement, completing menial and repetitive tasks as replication of human actions, and providing data-driven insights acquired from these tasks.
OCR, Optical Character Recognition
OCR is software technology that transforms characters like numbers and letters into electronic form that is more easily recognised and read by computers and software programs.